Sessions on Empowerment

Workshops for art and cultural professionals, with Diversity.Arts.Culture and Berlinklusion

1° Workshop: Förderfähig

In this workshop we provide an overview on funding and financial opportunities for Berlin artists. We discuss, above all, which is the opportunity to go for when you apply for funding. How does an application process work? Together we will go through a funding application guiding you step by step.
This workshop is intended for disabled and art workers with a disability who want to work but need more information. The aim is to encourage artists to insert themselves in the regular art market. At the end of the workshop there is the opportunity to network and exchange ideas.

Speakers: Imke Baumann (Förderband eV), Tobias Losekandt (Kulturförderpunkt)
Moderators: Jovana Komnenic and Dirk Sorge (Berlinklusion)

Conceptual  map with colorful papers

2° Workshop: Mein Ich und dein Bild von mir

I work as an artist and have a disability. And now? Should I hide the disability? Should I explicitly point this out? Should I make it my trademark?
In this workshop, we discuss in a sheltered space the strategies that artists with disabilities develop to answer these questions. Together, we consider how important is disability when it comes to identity, how it is part of our self-expression, and how to deal with discrimination in cultural life. If you want, you can talk about your own experiences. After the workshop, there is the opportunity to participate in a tactile tour through the Berlinische Galerie.

Workshop leaders:
Speaker: Annton Beate Schmidt (artist), Monika Dorniak (artist)
Moderators: Kate Brehme and Dirk Sorge (Berlinklusion)

Person looking at a drawing on a glass surface
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